Project: One nation, under pretzels, with liberty and more pretzels for all… 🥨🏳 I wanted to do some relief printmaking + a little bit of sewing one summer, so I bought some brown fabric, and then carved my little pretzel illustration since well... my love of pretzels is never-ending, and they were the perfect mascot for this idea.
Now… to put this into scale: this is 43in x 43in big. (If you’re looking for the area, it’s 1,849in squared.) My pretzel? About 2x3in. I had the great idea of stamping this entire piece of fabric… with my little pretzel stamp… wooooof. Yes, it took many hours.
I wanted to create a lil somethin’ for some special pals in my life with my wedding coming up, so I asked my not-so-official bridesmaids to help me tie-the-knot. I whipped out my sewing machine (very vintage, might I add) and began the process of cutting down the large 43in x 43in of fabric, and then sewing them into scrunchies.
For the scrunchie backing cards, I printed the pretzel stamp a few more times, paired together with lettering that let my bridesmaids know that I knead-ed them. *wink*
Tools: Relief printmaking, sewing machine.