Project: DINNER IS SERVED! “No, I’m not a snack at all. Look baby, I’m the whole damn meal.” 3-layer screen-print, 8x10, original lettering on metallic gold ink. Each layer is printed by hand in my steamy & dreamy FL garage.
The lettering was a true labor of love as it’s all original — I’ve been practicing my ‘70s lettering for a couple of years now, and this was my first long-form ‘70s typography piece! Woohooo!
All hail the mighty Lizzo but also ALL HAIL THE GREAT Michael House for making this video -- He had an idea for a flat lay for this print, and told me he would create it while I was at school. Well, I sure didn’t expect him to create a whole little vid! Got a whole lotta love for him!
Want your own copy? Just a few limited edition prints left, message me to purchase one!
Tools: Procreate, Screenprinting.