Project: “What happens when you stick two creatives in a house for four weeks with art supplies & camera equipment? This.”
In April of 2020, @michaelhousemedia & I launched a collaborative project called @creativehouseclassroom. (Get the name? 😉) These were the teaching lessons I’d been creating for my students for our switch to “digital learning.” We decided to take them to YouTube so that more than just my students could enjoy them: I had so many people reaching out asking if they could “take my class” too so the answer became YES.
Although this was originally made for my students, people of ALL ages were encouraged to join in and get creatin’ with us! The idea was that the world was a weird & scary place when the pandemic first hit, so instead of spending hours scrolling through the news, why not spend 20-30 minutes making some art out of the resources you have at home!?!
These lessons were not about having all the supplies in the world... but about making masterpieces out of your surroundings, and understanding that art is always around us — sometimes even via the end of your toilet paper roll.
Pinellas County Schools did eventually begin to share some of these episodes, but you can view episodes 1, 2, 3, and 4 on our YouTube.
The logo was created to be a house -- not just because of our last name, but because the living room of our 704 sqft house became our studio, and because we wanted to encourage people to use any materials lying around their home.
We hope to eventually bring back more episodes, but for now, I much prefer teaching in person at my school with my students. :)
Check out our intro below, it makes me feel like the intro to The Office. :)
Tools: Procreate, Adobe Illustrator.