Project: I had the absolute honor & privilege to work on Art Teacherin' LEGEND Cassie Stephens's debut book! See below for a few shots of all the different layout enhancements I got to play around with for a book that contains all her knowledge, tips, and hilarious jokes. This is essentially the Art Teacher BIBLE, and it's only volume 1. You do not want to miss out on this, trust me.
A description of the book from Cassie:
"Art Teacherin' 101 is a 268-page paperback book that has been 23 years in the art teacherin' making.
When I began teaching in 1998, I had no idea what I was doing, and, honestly, I still don't most days! One thing I did learn quickly is that if you don't have a handle on classroom management, you'll be fighting a losing battle that will leave you feeling exhausted and defeated. That's no way for an amazing art teacher like you to live their life! In this book, I'm sharing all things art room management, from rules and routines to cultivating teamwork and raising up independent thinkers and creators. My goal is to share with you ways to be your very best art teacherin' self for your students, whether you are on a cart, virtual or in the classroom.
But before we dive into that, we're going to do some serious self-discovery to find out exactly why it is you teach art. Why do you wake up every day, rush to school, fill paint trays, sharpen pencils and prep supplies only to do it all over again the very next day? Discovering and knowing your personal why is the biggest gift you can give to your art teachin' self and your students.
I cannot wait to share with you all that I've learned (and continue to learn!) during my 23 years making big messes with small humans. Whether you are in college working toward your art education degree or a seasoned art teacher like myself, I believe there is something in Art Teacherin' 101 for you."
Tools: Adobe InDesign.